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carl - gustaf ODT

“The capability that the Carl-Gustaf brought to play was a game changer”

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美国陆军第82空降师的雷蒙德·米勒中士, 卡尔-古斯塔夫系统在作战过程中改变了游戏规则.

When members of the US Army’s 82nd 空气borne Division jump out of an aircraft on a mission, 至关重要的是,他们可以依靠自己的设备. Sergeant Raymond Miller a small arms master gunner within the division, says the extremely challenging conditions involved in parachute assaults mean that the weapons troops carry must be rugged, 耐用,操作方便. It’s one of the reasons he’s a fan of the Carl-Gustaf shoulder-launched weapon system, which after a two-year roll-out period is now being adopted across the division.


“卡尔-古斯塔夫的简洁是它最大的优势之一,” Miller says. “When you’re in combat, batteries can go flat and screens and lenses can break. But I have never heard of a Carl-Gustaf having any of those kinds of issues.”

一名19岁的美国退伍军人,曾在伊拉克服役, Miller has no trouble listing to what he regards as the most outstanding features of the carl - gustaf系统首先是它的弹性.

“It’s a rugged system that we can use in airborne operations to get to the objective rapidly,他说. “Other systems aren’t quite as durable and can’t be dropped – they have to be air-landed in – so that right there is a huge benefit.”

该系统的另一大优点是它是可重用的, greatly reducing the amount of equipment that paratroopers need to carry compared to single use weapons. “You only have the rounds, as opposed to a bunch of disposable tubes,” Miller says. “So, 这样更容易打包, and it’s much easier to cross load across an organisation that has to carry everything on its back.”


Miller says once on the ground the lightness and versatility of the carl - gustaf系统 makes it well suited to paratrooper operations, 比如强行进入任务. “一旦我们插入,我们必须维持72小时,”他说. “That means we have to be able to deal with any threat that comes our way. The Carl-Gustaf gives us the capability to deal with light anti-armour threats or entrenched personnel.”



Miller notes that since its introduction the weapon has proved useful for the 82nd 空气borne in Afghanistan. 他说:“它的使用取得了巨大的成功。. “The Taliban had been sending harassing fire out at long distance because previously we did not have effective fires out past 600 metres. The capability that the Carl-Gustaf brought to play was a game changer in that it gave us something to reach out past that and be able to deter them.”

In 2019, Saab announced that a framework contract has been signed to provide the U.S. 陆军使用卡尔-古斯塔夫M4 -该系统的最新版本. The Carl-Gustaf M4 is fully backwards compatible with all ammunition types and prepared to take full advantage of future ammunition, 同时它的重量也比之前的M3轻得多.